"Your Williston Basin Broker Since 1983"

Oil, Gas and Mineral Rights
Empire Oil Company is a full service brokerage company that has over 30 years of experience of providing land services for varied clientele in the Williston Basin. Our services include a full range of title services for the review of land titles, lease acquisitions, due diligence projects and curative procurement, as well as complete assembling of abstracts of title.
We are experienced in providing detailed and accurate reports of title for not only simple sections, but also the more complex or irregular tracts. Empire can provide full title reports or varied reports tailored to the client’s needs, and these reports can be presented in either Word document or Excel spreadsheet formats.
The majority of our land agents working in courthouses are life-long residents of western North Dakota and have many years of work experience in researching title and searching for unsatisfied mortgages, judgements, tax liens, pending actions, UCCs and confirming payments of real estate taxes.
In addition to the above, Empire Oil Company also provides due diligence services and have capable and experienced agents to review title, the effective oil and gas leases and supporting documents and provides an analysis of the findings in a complete and comprehensive report.
We have several land agents with many years of experience in negotiating oil and gas leases and other necessary agreements with mineral owners and/or surface owners. Our lease acquisitions include acquiring curative as needed to prove title to the subject mineral interest, as well as comprehensive reporting of lease purchases.
Empire Oil Company agents also work closely with clientele and their title attorneys to procure documents to satisfy title requirements in the most efficient, accurate and timely manner. Our firm uses many resources in satisfying title requirements, including researching family histories and searching probates and other documents filed with Clerks of Courts across the country.